The Nature Mama Behind it All

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Rachel Buckley (Wheeler)

Founder & Nature Mama


I dedicate my practice and EVERYTHING it has become, to my beautiful son Jude. When I was pregnant with him, I began reading more into product labels which drove me to dig deeper and learn more about the quality of ingredients.

After the realization of how many harmful chemicals were in many of the commercial products I used on myself and, even more alarming, on my son, I was compelled to gain more knowledge.nnI began my journey by studying plant medicine and obtaining holistic certifications such as:

    • Clinical Aromatherapy
    • Cosmetic Formulation Chemistry
    • Yoga
    • Nutrition
    • Master Reiki

In addition to a minor in Behavioral Psychology.

All to provide health and wellness to my family and friends, and eventually that would lead to having the ability to change many different clients' lives as well.

I began to offer this healing, through extremely clean and nourishing skincare formulations which resulted in a flood of daily testimonials that propelled me into the fully functioning Holistic Practice today.
